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Teamplaid:Iomradh leabhar/doc

O Uicipeid

Seo teamplaid gus iomradh a thoirt air leabhar. Ma tha thu airson tùsan a thogail o Uicipeid ann an cànan eile, tha dreach sa Bheurla air an teamplaid seo againn cuideachd agus 's e seo Teamplaid:Cite book. B' fhearr leinn gun cleachd thu an teamplaid Gàidhlig seo ma tha thu fhèin a' cruthachadh dàta an leabhair.

Buill-eisimpleir[deasaich an tùs]

  • Emsley, John (2001): Nature's Building blocks. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-850341-5. 
  • Sapir, Edward (1907): Herder's "Ursprung der Sprache". Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ASIN: B0006CWB2W. 
  • Sapir, Edward (1908): “On the etymology of Sanskrit asru, Avestan asru, Greek dakru”, ann an: Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji: Spiegel memorial volume. Papers on Iranian subjects written by various scholars in honour of the late Dr. Frederic Spiegel. Bombay: British India Press, td. 156–159. 

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